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Albums > Titles > Testimony


Primary Artist/Band: Morse, Neal
Year Released: 2003
Average Rating: N/A
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This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
2 Overture No. 1 (Search) (Search)
3 California Nights (Search) (Search)
4 Colder in the Sun (Search) (Search)
5 Sleeping Jesus (Search) (Search)
6 Interlude (Search) (Search)
7 The Prince of the Power of the Air (Search) (Search)
8 The Promise (Search) (Search)
9 Wasted Life (Search) (Search)
10 Overture No. 2 (Search) (Search)
11 Break of Day (Search) (Search)
12 Power in the Air (Search) (Search)
13 Somber Days (Search) (Search)
14 Long Story (Search) (Search)
15 It's All I Can Do (Search) (Search)
16 Transformation (Search) (Search)
17 Ready to Try (Search) (Search)
18 Sing It High (Search) (Search)
19 Moving in My Heart (Search) (Search)
20 I Am Willing (Search) (Search)
21 In the Middle (Search) (Search)
22 The Storm Before the Calm (Search) (Search)
23 Oh to Feel Him (Search) (Search)
24 God's Theme (Search) (Search)
25 Overture No. 3 (Search) (Search)
26 Rejoice (Search) (Search)
27 Oh Lord, My God (Search) (Search)
28 God's Theme 2 (Search) (Search)
29 The Land of Beginning Again (Search) (Search)


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