Christian Guitar Tab & Bass Tab

Christian Albums
Connect Set Session Date: 12-06-04
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Albums > Titles > Connect Set Session Date: 12-06-04


Primary Artist/Band: Copeland
Year Released: 2005
Average Rating: N/A
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This album is available from the following vendors:

This album features the following songs:

# Song Title Guitar Tab Bass Tab
1 Don't Slow Down (Search) (Search)
2 Pin Your Wings (Search) (Search)
3 Take Care (Search) (Search)
4 Coffee (Search) (Search)


Galactic Cowboys - Machine Fish Sister Hazel - Sister Hazel Eowyn - Silent Screams Delirious? - Mezzamorphis Whitecross - Triumphant Return Guardian - The Miracle Mile Tragedy Ann - Tragedy Ann Sister Hazel - All for You, Pt. 1 World Wide Message Tribe - Heatseeker Holy Soldier - Promise Man
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