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Information about: "Petra"

Year Founded: 1972
Year Disbanded: 2005
Average Rating: 4.0  (11 votes)
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Band Members and Roles:

Names Roles Joined Left
Bailey, Greg Bass 2002 N/A
Bell, Bryce Keyboards 2000 N/A
Brandenstein, Mike Bass 2001 2001
Brandow, Kevin Guitar 1997 1999
Cates, Ronny Bass 1988 1997
Chapin, Lonnie Bass 1997 2001
Cooper, Jim Keyboards 1994 1997
DeGroff, John Bass 1974 1978
Frazier, Rob Keyboards 1979 1979
Gibson, Quinton Guitar 2002 N/A
Glover, Bill Drums 1974 1978
Hartman, Bob Guitar 1974 1995
Hough, Greg Lead Vocals 1974 1978
Kelly, Mark Bass 1981 1987
Lawry, John Keyboards 1984 1994
Lichens, David J. Guitar 1995 1997
McElyea, Steve Keyboards N/A N/A
Orta, Pete Guitar 1997 2000
Schlitt, John Lead Vocals 1986 N/A
Slick, John Keyboards 1981 1983
Thomason, Trent Keyboards 1999 1999
Volz, Greg X. Lead Vocals 1979 1985
Weaver, Louie Drums N/A N/A

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Petra was really the first Christian Rock group. There may have been others, but the members of Petra were pioneers in their day, and they survived through the rough years to help create the Contemporary Christian Music industry.


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